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                                             KRATOM DIVINE

                                          QUICK START GUIDE


Questions? Here are the answers to many of your initial questions when discovering kratom for the first time. Feel free to call Wendi if you have more 503 689 7182- what sets KRATOM DIVINE apart from the rest is the awesome personalized customer service and availability (8am-7pm) to help- I’m here for you-just give me a call!


Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is described as being a stimulant at low doses, and sedative at higher doses. Dosages can vary greatly depending on the freshness of the leaf and the potency of the particular plant/strain. Fresh or freshly dried leaves (ground into a powder) are generally considered the most potent and are most common outside of Southeast Asia.


                     WHAT FORMS OF KRATOM ARE THERE?


There are capsules, powder, leaves and extracts.

Our capsules contain about 500mg of powder. Capsules are very convenient for on-the-go travel. Some people might find it unpleasant if they need to take 6-8 capsules in a dose (that’s a lot of capsules to swallow). Capsules also will obviously delay the absorption rate (because they have to be broken down by your stomach juices) and can increase the time it takes for you to feel the effects from 20 minutes to 1-2 hours (again everyone is different so you won’t know if or how long the effects will be delayed unless you try them).

Powder is a favorite among many. Powder is quickly absorbed and you can sometimes feel the effects within 15-20 minutes. Some people report not really feeling it for the first hour or so, but then later say they realized they were feeling it but didn’t know how to describe it exactly (it is very subtle). Powder is made by separating the stem from the kratom leaves, drying them, and grinding them down into a very fine powder. You can take powder by mixing it with a small drink- a milkshake, smoothie, cold peach or raspberry tea, chocolate milk, orange juice etc. Or mix it into food- applesauce or yogurt work well at masking the flavor.

You can also make capsules yourself by buying the powder (more economical), and a capsule machine, and capping them yourself. Search “The Capsule Machine” on E-bay and you will find a handy little machine in a green/white box for about $20.00. It is pretty easy to use.


Leaves can be used to make tea! Kratom tea is amazing! Boil 2 oz of kratom leaves in 1 liter of water for 20 minutes and strain out the kratom leaves while setting aside the kratom water. Boil another liter of water with the same leaves. Combine the 2 liters of kratom water into the pot and boil it down to 100ml. Place it into a thermos and drink it throughout the day.


Extracts are concentrated forms of kratom. There are powdered extracts, tinctures (liquid), and kratom resin. Whether you are using a powdered extract, a tincture or a Kratom resin, it is important that you correctly convert your required dosage to avoid taking too much. In general, someone who typically uses 5 grams of Kratom powder will see similar results from a third of a gram (0.33) of a 15x extract. A 20x extract is not necessarily 20 times stronger than standardized powder (the extract # represents how many times it was boiled down, and the result reused to boil down again), so these conversions are just very loose estimations. You should determine your personal dosage sensitivity by starting with a smaller amount and observing the effects on your individual chemistry. It is easy to over-do it with extracts which could produce side effects like nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, muscle in-coordination and difficulty thinking clearly.



Extracts should be cycled often or used infrequently to prevent developing a tolerance. If you are not using a Full Spectrum Extract (which includes all the kratom active constituents and not just Mitragynine), the risk of tolerance and withdrawal may be higher due to the lack of other alkaloids to balance out the effects on your neural receptors. Because of their higher cost and greater risk profile, I suggest you avoid Kratom extracts altogether unless you are experiencing severe pain or are undergoing withdrawal from a drug addiction. Please Use caution when exploring this part of the market and make sure to follow the precautions listed above. It is of course also VERY IMPORTANT to KEEP ALL KRATOM ESPECIALLY EXTRACTS away from children.




If you've never done it before, try starting off at 2g, (about a teaspoon-not heaping) that seems to be the threshold for effects, any lower, and you likely won't feel anything.  More often than not when people report they “didn’t get anything from it” it is due to them not taking enough. Once they experiment and figure out how much to use and how often, they become a happy camper J


How much should I use in each dose?

Light ~ 1-3 grams             Common ~ 4-5 grams                Heavy ~ 6-12 grams

Average dose would be about 3g-6g, but that of course depends on quality.


NOTE: Kratom Divine ONLY stocks high quality (high mit%) product so a light dose of ours often matches what you get elsewhere.


Nausea, vomiting, or a general uneasiness are likely with strong doses, especially in those not already experienced with the effects of kratom. Just like powder users, it is also important for kratom-tea drinkers to start with a small amount of leaf material and slowly work the dosage up to avoid unpleasant effects.

The “Toss and Wash” method is easy. Just measure out 2 teaspoons (2.5gx2=5 grams) and pour it into a cup, and put in enough lemon juice to cover the plant matter and then add any kind of juice and stir it until it looks like yard trimmings and then drink it down. Always have something to wash it down after.

Some people don't really mind the taste-they say it's nice- others may gag- everyone is different.



It works by acting as a μ-opioid receptor agonist in the brain mimicking opiate effects, while also producing stimulating effects at the same time.

Here is a list of the possible effects both positive and negative that you may experience:



~ Feelings of Empathy

~ Feelings of Euphoria

~ Aphrodisiac for some people

~ Helpful to sustain physical labor- energy!

~ May increase sociability and talkativeness

~ Low doses may result in a lasting “glow” into the next day

~ Analgesia (pain relief) (17x stronger than morphine's analgesic effects-but not an opiate!)



~ Short Duration for some

~ Very bitter taste

~ Dizziness, nausea and/or vomiting at higher doses

~ Increase in (perceived) body temperature (may feel hot and sweaty)

~Desire to repeat experience more frequently than intended (it feels good!)


~Tolerance may build quickly after a few days in a row of repeated use, but tolerance to effects commonly reduces with one to three days of abstinence


~ Hangover similar to alcohol, including headaches and sometimes nausea (common only at higher doses)




The time needed to feel effects depends on many factors such as what product you have, how long it has been since you last used opiates (if you did) how long it has been since you last ate, and what method you use. The powder toss and wash method is very reliable and acts fast, within 20 minutes or so most people feel it on an empty stomach. If you don't feel anything, wait at least 2 hours before re-dosing. Increase dose by ½-1g until desired effects are achieved (it’s better to add slowly than get negative effects).




There are multiple strains of kratom, but three main varieties:

Green veined kratom is most appropriately described as somewhere in the middle of the Red and White strains. It is a mild energy booster that can perk you up without putting you on edge. Users say that it helps them to achieve a centered state of alertness and focus and has a subtler effect than either Red or White Kratom. It is documented as useful in treating pain, but without leading to the lethargy or drowsiness that other analgesics can cause.

Our Green Vein varieties include: Maeng Da, Malaysian Green, Premium Indo, Vietnam


Red veined kratom leaves produce sedating effects, much like opiates. It has been described as having a more calming influence that can help you unwind and release tension. It can help to quiet your mind while giving you a sense of well-being and optimism. Red Kratom is also well suited for use as a sleep enhancer among individuals with insomnia. Physically, this type of Kratom is known to reduce pain and can be used to treat muscle tension or as an alternative to pharmaceutical pain killers.


Our Red Vein varieties include: Red Vein Indo, Premium Bali, Bentuangie, Hulu Kapuas


White veined kratom leaves are typically described as being more energizing and contributing to a positive mood. They may be used as stimulants in the place of caffeine to promote alertness, mental vigilance and wakefulness. Users who take White Vein Kratom powders or capsules often state that they experience increased concentration as well as motivation and endurance when working for long hours. It may counteract feelings of fatigue and drowsiness, without causing anxiety or restlessness.

Our White Vein varieties include: White Vein Borneo


Our SPECIAL PROPRIETARY BLEND “Sama Sama” is a mix of certain greens and reds and is found to be very effective on pain, stress, and increasing and sustaining energy. I’d tell you what is in it- but then I would have to kill you J LOL Just kidding.


Let this guide help you in deciding where to start, but please keep in mind the information contained here is based solely on others experiences. Your experience could be totally different. How one strain effects you may not be how it effects me etc… we are all different and therefore that is why it is very important to do your own research (experimenting!) with the different strains and dose amounts.


Caution: Addiction (mental) may be a possibility with kratom, as with anything if you do it often enough it can become a habit (and we all like doing things that make us feel good).  It is always a good idea to skip 1-3 days once in awhile between kratom doses to reduce tolerance and addiction risk. Mixing the strains regularly (like once or twice a week) is also a good strategy to avoid increasing your tolerance.


Warning: Kratom should always be kept away from children. While there has never been any ill effects on children ever reported (nor do I know of anyone ever giving it to children- we only sell it to 18 and over), I think it’s best to be conservative with our kids and LOCK IT AWAY just like you would anything else in the herb/pharmaceutical category.


I hope this QUICK START GUIDE has helped you make some decisions on how to get started with kratom. This has been a true life changing miracle plant for so many and that is why we work hard to bring it to you clean, pure and unadulterated. Nothing is added to our kratom EVER! When you purchase kratom from it has been carefully selected and handled with care to ensure your safety and satisfaction. I personally guarantee it.


Should you want to read more in-depth on getting started with kratom, please request a copy of my FREE E-book (in .doc format) at just click the box on the right hand side of the home page! Or you can download it on your Kindle at for $2.99, just search by author: Wendi Rook J


                                    Take Care and KRATOM ON!

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